Our goal is to strive for top-notch products, as we are convinced that superior products are the driving force behind the competitiveness and growth of our company. We extend a warm welcome to new customers and are dedicated to maintaining strong relationships with our existing clientele.


Double Layer(PND 315-1250)

Spool with double layer flanges, in pressed steel with a turned drum. The external flange curl is suited for lifting through automatic hooks.To be used on a wire drawing, stranding or rope making machine.

Available on request:

  • replaceable hardened bushing of central bore.
  • turning of the inner flanges
  • paint color
  • extra stiffened drum
PND 315 315 180/200/224 125/127 158 16 100 200 236
PND 355 355 200/224/250 125/127 158 16 100 224 265
PND 400 400 224/250/280 125/127 158 28 100 250 300
PND 450 450 250/280/315 125/127 158 28 100 280 335
PND 500 500 280/315/355 125/127 158 28 100 315 375
PND 560 560 280/315/355 125/127 158 28 100 355 425
PND 630 630 225/250/315/355 125/127 158 28 100 400 475
PND 710 710 400/450/500 127/250 158/300 40 170 450 530
PND 800 800 450/500/560 127/250 158/300 40 170 500 600
PND 1000 1000 560/630/710 127/250 158/300 50 250 630 750
PND 1250 1250 710/800/900 127/250 158/300 50 250 800 950