Our goal is to strive for top-notch products, as we are convinced that superior products are the driving force behind the competitiveness and growth of our company. We extend a warm welcome to new customers and are dedicated to maintaining strong relationships with our existing clientele.


Single Layer Punch Type(PND 100-1250)

Spool with single wall rimmed flanges, in pressed steel. The external flange curl is suited for lifting through automatic hooks. Indicated for metallic wires, stripes, cable and textile industry. To use for wire process, and shipping purpose.

Available on request:

  • Choice of flange with or without ribs
  • paint color/powder coating
  • dynamic balancing
PND 100 100 40 50 28 8-16 40 63 85
PND 125 125 50 50 28 8-16 40 80 95
PND 160 160 63 50 28 8-16 40 100 118
PND 200 200 80/100 60 36 8-16 40/60 125 150
PND 250 250 100/125 60 36 8-16 40/60 160 190
PND 315 315 125/160 60 36 8-16 40/60 200 236
PND 355 355 140/180 112 56 16-32 71/112 224 265
PND 400 400 160/200 112 56 16-32 71/112 250 300
PND 450 450 180/224 112 56 16-32 71/112 280 335
PND 500 500 200/250 112 56 16-32 71/112 315 375
PND 560 560 224/280 112 56 16-32 71/112 355 425
PND 630 630 250/315 112 56 16-32 71/112 400 475
PND 710 710 355 160 80 28-40 160 450 530
PND 800 800 400 160 80 28-40 160 500 600
PND 900 900 450 160 80 28-40 160 560 670
PND 1000 1000 500 160 80 28-40 160 630 750
PND 1120 1120 560 160 80 28-40 160 710 850
PND 1250 1250 630 160 80 28-40 160 800 950